Friday, May 25, 2012

"Wait for it...."

So much to put on here from the last couple months!  Here's a pic until I do a real update next week:
I'll reveal what this double sided practical thing is in the near future!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Holy Homework

I was blessed to be a volunteer working on the Behold Catholic Women's Conference.  A part of my job to help get all the items needed to celebrate Mass.  We were able to use the temporary altar from the diocese (in my breakfast room, whoa!):
We were very grateful to have an altar, but we were also was hoping for a little bit of a different look for the stage than the ornate legs and something that had a more solid and larger presence in the large conference room.  So I volunteered to "whip up" an altar cover (the white cloth that would go under the blessed top cloth.)  It ended up being a little bit of a challenge, 
but one I gladly took on and it ended up working out very well.

So here's a pic before the cloth was hemmed: 
[And yes these are late night photos a few nights before the conference 
after I was able to get the altar from the Cathedral.]

How I didn't get a picture of the final Mass set up I don't know!  I'm gonna have to see if I can find one.  Here it is in the background of a picture taken by the Catholic Post: Catholic Post Behold Pics

The challenge in this project came in that I couldn't find a cloth large enough to cover the altar without sewing.  I ended up having to sew the 4 side panels and top together.  In order to make it look nice on the corners I made each side a trapezoid.  Then I trimmed the corners so that they hung nicely rather than come to a point.  Lots of math, sewing and pressing went into this baby.  As always I'm so happy to be serving and learning at the same time :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pillowcase Dress

I had been wanting to make a pillowcase dress so I used Christmas as the opportunity. I made this dress to fit an 18 mo old. Fabric from Hobby Lobby. I loved the play of browns and salmon pinks and knew I had to use it for something special.

The most challenging part of this project was making my own bias tape for the armholes.  Otherwise the rest I knew pretty well.

The concept of the pillowcase is not hard, but I found some good pointers and specific measurements (for 18 mo) here:

Unfortunately this is the only picture I have of the dress finished.  :(
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