Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pillowcase Dress

I had been wanting to make a pillowcase dress so I used Christmas as the opportunity. I made this dress to fit an 18 mo old. Fabric from Hobby Lobby. I loved the play of browns and salmon pinks and knew I had to use it for something special.

The most challenging part of this project was making my own bias tape for the armholes.  Otherwise the rest I knew pretty well.

The concept of the pillowcase is not hard, but I found some good pointers and specific measurements (for 18 mo) here:

Unfortunately this is the only picture I have of the dress finished.  :(
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  1. I love all of your ideas, you're so talented! I'd like to eventually learn to sew, so I am very interested in your projects. Can you add the option of following via e-mail? That's the only way I remember to check out blogs!

    1. Thanks so much! I added the subscribe button :)
